Training and Coaching

Our training and coaching model seeks to improve trainees’ competencies for applying the necessary tools and skills to handle conflict in various scenarios in your organization.

We deliver training on the following premises:

Holistic approach. We approach conflict from multiple perspectives such as through the eyes of the management, employees, customers and partners. This approach enables team members to get out of their “own view” and better understand others.

Customized training. Before the actual training, we conduct a pre-training assessment with your team to determine what is the current level of conflict performance so we can determine what is necessary for your team.

Transformative learning. We distinguish ourselves by providing trainings where you and/or your team go through a process of experiential learning. Trainees will engage for 50% of the time in exercises allowing them to apply newly learned skills, reflect on the experience and see what can be improved to eventually change behavior.

Measured result. We measure the training result by conducting a post-training conflict performance assessment 3-6 months after the training and compare it with the pre-training assessment. This quantitative measurement can be reported to supervisory boards, financers and partners.


Training Modules

We provide training in the following areas based on our 3-hour modules:

training modules.png


“The training gave me insight in my own role in the conflicts I was having on a daily basis. Now I am aware of my approach in conversations and I experience considerably less conflicts with my employees. It is such a relieve to be able to just work from a quiet headspace”

- Mining Supervisor

“You honestly saved my life. I was experiencing physical pain, having high blood pressure and had regular sick leaves because of the tension in my department. I has lost control and was unable to get my team moving. All, whilst I was still responsible for our results. The training changed my understanding of the situation and gave me practical tools to ‘deal with it’ without physically internalizing the conflict. And, as a team, we are now able to communicate openly without personal attacks or judgments. Thank you so much.”

- Manager Telecommunication Company